Support Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm US Pacific
Mailing Address
300 Brannan St.
Suite 206
San Francisco CA, 94107
Frequently Asked Questions

What is CloudPrime?
CloudPrime is a Cloud-based, SaaS application integration solution that allows businesses to build secure, reliable, and easy-to-deploy application connections. Think of it as an easy and cost-effective way to integrate systems that are within your LAN, outside your network or in the Cloud. With CloudPrime, you do not need to deploy VPNs, open firewall ports or hire integration specialists to build application interfaces. Since CloudPrime is a service, you do not need to worry about managing your messaging infrastructure or dedicating IT resources to maintain it.

How do you use CloudPrime?
CloudPrime is amazingly simple to deploy and use. When you become a CloudPrime customer, we will provision a network that will handle all of your secure, application message transactions and issue each of the endpoints on your network a small software client we call the "Connector". The Connector is how applications will interface to your network and to each other. CloudPrime supports dozens of message and transport protocols, making it a malleable interface great for Healthcare, Financial Services, and Travel Services. Each installation can take as little as 30 minutes and does not require a user with technical experience to configure. Also, since the CloudPrime connector does not require that you open firewall ports or make changes to the network, getting approval for installation is much easier than setting up a VPN.

Who uses CloudPrime?
CloudPrime is designed for businesses, small and large, that need to build secure connections between systems, applications, offices, hospitals, branch offices, travel systems and more.

What's different between Application Integration and Business Messaging?
At a high level there is very little difference, though often people may confuse business messaging with email. The CloudPrime solution is not a replacement for Microsoft Exchange! The CloudPrime approach is to allow a wide range of applications to exchange data (messages) with each other without having to make changes to the application itself. This is markedly different from the majority of message handling infrastructures, where the applications need to be modified to interface into the message infrastructure. The latter is impossible without recourse to the application authors, and in many cases it is not possible or economically acceptable. So CloudPrime offers both legacy applications and newly developed applications a consistent way to exchange data.

I am thinking about moving some of my applications into "The Cloud", how does CloudPrime facilitate that?
Security and Availability must be high on the requirements of any solution to connect 'Cloud' based applications to interface to in-house applications. At first glance, a VPN may seem to be the answer. VPNs offer great flexibility by effectively joining your in-house network to your 'cloud' network as they, by their nature, need to be tightly controlled and managed if your Security requirements are to be met. A VPN could be thought of as a 4 lane highway where any traffic can be carried, and security is enforced at the entry and exit points. Each of these entry and exit points have to be discreetly managed and policed. A breach would allow all traffic to be compromised. The CloudPrime solution offers much better security and availability with greatly reduced management. Think of the CloudPrime as the "Armored Courier Service", whereby we take the data securely from point A to point B over a variety of existing highways; We duplicate the 'trucks' and send by different routes to ensure delivery & security. CloudPrime manages this, all you do is provide the data.

So as you migrate an application from in-house to the 'cloud', you focus on the data to be exchanged, not the mechanism. At no time is your in-house network connected by a '4 lane highway' to the 'cloud'. Safe, Secure, Delivery Guaranteed!

Is CloudPrime secure?
CloudPrime adheres the to strictest security standards in order to meet customer requirements and compliance standards. All CloudPrime messaging traffic is sent encrypted over the network and all users are authenticated by CloudPrime Control's PKI management services. While CloudPrime leverages the Cloud for scalability and to reduce costs for our customers, no messages stored in the Cloud can be decrypted until they are received by the intended recipient.

Is CloudPrime a Hosted VPN Service?
No, CloudPrime is much more than a VPN. VPN's allow users outside your LAN to access your network. CloudPrime enables you to not only build secure connections to users off of your LAN, but also allows you to interface to applications, triple encrypt all data sent, and track messages/transactions. CloudPrime also leverages its patented Cloud Messaging Infrastructure to guarantee the delivery of each message sent on the network.

How is CloudPrime different than a Managed File Transfer service?
Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions typically specialize in FTP like services and do not offer much in the way of transport protocol conversion, application interfaces, file tracking, security, encryption, and guaranteed delivery. Like MFT, CloudPrime can handle batch and large file transfer along with other messaging services that may be required.

Do I need to buy any hardware to use CloudPrime?
No, CloudPrime is a Software as a Service application that does not require that you install any new hardware. As a service, this means you do not need to manage your messaging infrastructure or replace your network for newer versions.

How much does CloudPrime cost?
CloudPrime offers flexible pricing to meet your needs and budget. For more information, contact CloudPrime sales at .

How does CloudPrime guarantee the delivery of all messages?
CloudPrime sends multiple copies of each message or transaction over the CP network to ensure that at least one copy arrives. CloudPrime delivers only one copy of each message, and destroys any duplicates.

What is the CloudPrime network comprised of?
CloudPrime's network is comprised of several components:

  • Connector: Small software client that interface to applications. The Connector maintains a persistent connection for sending/receiving messages & transactions.
  • Router: Routers communicate with Connectors and ensure that messages are being delivered to the correct destination. Routers also write copies of each message to the Cloud Data Stores.
  • Cloud Data Stores: Cloud Data Stores keep copies of each message/transaction to ensure that they get delivered to their destination. Customers can also use the archives to store messages (encrypted) for compliance and auditing reasons. For storage pricing, contact CloudPrime sales for more details: ext. 707
  • CloudPrime Control: CloudPrime Control (CPC) monitors the entire network to ensure that all Connectors, Routers, and Archives are working correctly and alerts CloudPrime if there are any problems detected. CPC also manages authentication and PKI Certificate management for all users on the network.
  • CloudPrime Message Portal: The CloudPrime Message Portal is a web-based interface for customers to view all the traffic being sent over their network. The CloudPrime Portal enables managers to prove that messages were sent and delivered for non-repudiation.