Airline Community Messaging

Completing ticketing requests, managing flight inventory and sending manifests in real-time are just a small part of the complex messaging fabric used in today's Travel Services network environment. All of this demands a reliable, scalable and cost effective message architecture to support it. CloudPrime's airline community messaging service goes above and beyond, empowering Travel Services companies with a world-class Global Business Messaging infrastructure. [See CloudPrime network topography below]

CloudPrime Application Messaging Topography

To learn more or to get started on your Free 30-Day Service Evaluation, contact us today!

CloudPrime Serves Travel Services

Reliable: CloudPrime's patented network infrastructure leverages triple-encryption, continuous monitoring, archiving and multi-pathing to deliver a secure, non-repudiated airline community messaging service.

Scalable: With CloudPrime's lightweight messaging infrastructure, patented connectors and the elasticity of the cloud, message loads can burst without any impact to performance and trading partners can be quickly brought online with little effort.

Cost Effective: CloudPrime is a managed service that leverages the economies of the Cloud, eliminating capital expenditures to deploy an airline community messaging network, creating a Total Cost of Ownership savings of 50%-80% in many cases.

Benefits: CloudPrime is the premier Global Business Messaging solution for Travel Services, delivering the most reliable, scalable and cost-effective platform available today.

Service Overview:

Guaranteed Delivery • Patented multi-pathing network to ensure messages are delivered
• Each message is archived for non-repudiation
• Delivery acknowledgment for each message sent
Scalability • Trading partners can be spun up/down quickly
• Leverage elastic Cloud infrastructure to meet peak message traffic demands
Cost Effective • Cloud infrastructure eliminates capital expenditures, providing a 50%-80% TCO savings
• CloudPrime message network is easy to deploy, reducing the man-power needed to bring up the system
Rapid Deployment • Establish a CloudPrime network path in hours/days as opposed to weeks/months
• Bring new trading partners up quickly with a simple software download
• No capital expenditure, only lightweight software to install
Many-to-Many Messaging • Robust messaging platform
• Trade with existing partners on the CloudPrime network
• Simple access controls for one-to-many and many-to-many messaging
Auditing • File level tracking
• Transaction monitoring
• File archiving
Security • Triple encryption
• Key management
• Message authentication
• Message tracking and auditing
Low Latency • CloudPrime Control constantly monitors the network to determine the fastest path for messages to travel